Monday, April 19

Awaiting the reaction everyone is talking about

So I got my second shot last night! I went with my friend, Deanna, as we both had our appointments on the same night and within an hour of each other. There was far less traffic than there was two weeks ago, and since we both had the same terrible traffic two weeks ago, we were super quiet about it so as not to jinx it. My appointment was later, about 9:30 p.m., so the late-night traffic was minimal. I have a very sore arm that I can't lift all the way, and haven't since I got the shot, same as the first shot actually, so it feels just like I'm practiced at this.
    But now, I sit and wait for any bad reaction to the shot. All day today, as I sat at my desk, every little twinge, ache or movement made me wonder, "Is this it? Is this my bad reaction? What if it goes terrible right now?" And then I'd be okay. I started getting a headache, and swore this was it. I drank water, and felt better almost immediately. So, rather I was thirsty. Any random aches and twinges have gone away once I recognized them.
    At this very moment, I am three minutes past my 24-hour mark for the shot, and I'm still feeling okay. I think maybe my sore and achy arm is progressing the pain up into my shoulder? But who knows if that's actually it or if I've just been sitting weird. Also my back hurts a bit, but Sydney and I did flexibility yoga for 15 minutes this afternoon, so that's probably the cause of that. So really, whatever. Let's just ride it out.

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