Tuesday, April 20

A non-reaction, and lots of water

Alright, you all, I still feel fine. It's been 48 hours now, and I think I'll just go out on a limb here and say that I'm not having a reaction to the second of my COVID vaccination shots. Am I a little disappointed? Perhaps. It would have been nice to have a day at home with no one else there. I won't lie about that. Still, I'm glad to be feeling well, and am optimistic that perhaps Sydney's experience will be more like mine and Brian's than anyone else's. And that would be even better.
    I've been drinking a whole lot of water the last two days, and hoping that it will make a difference for my weigh-in on Friday morning. I'm trying to get back on the Weight Watchers wagon, and while I'm having a hard time actually counting my points, it is easy to just be more diligent with my water intake. Also I'm not snacking between lunch and dinner, which is my main Weight Watchers issue on any day. So this week I have been trying to be as good as I can be, and with the increase in water, I may have made some real progress. I'll know Friday.

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