Wednesday, April 14

It's time for bed, but I'm watching "Burn Notice"

I think I'm going to roll with an early bedtime again tonight. Every morning I've woken up hoping that I'd get another two hours of sleep, and it hasn't happened yet, so I'll just keep going to bed earlier and hope that I can make it up incrementally and then just grab an extra hour or two on Saturday and Sunday. That's the plan, I suppose, if there is one.
    As for other things going on, I finally got all the Easter decorations packed up, though the bins are still in the dining room. I'll hope to get them into the garage tomorrow. That was a task that I was not looking forward to finishing, nor did I even want to start it. I wish I could be content with shit just sitting around, but I'm not, and I knew my neuroses wouldn't allow for it all to just chill on the table for much longer. Today, the neuroses won, and the task is done. Mostly.
    Also, I have fallen in love ... again ... with "Burn Notice." I've started rewatching the first season, and I'm currently on the sixth episode. Brian sighs and rolls his eyes whenever he finds me watching it, but I am unapologetic about my enjoyment of this show, and I will sit through the entire series again. This show is good stuff, and I'm happy to be watching it. Also, Michael Westen is super cool, Fiona is the best part of the show, and Sam is fun and sassy but he wears a necklace. 

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