Thursday, April 22

I need a day with my hormones, I guess?

I keep thinking that I could totally use a day at home with no one else here, and that I really should have played sick after my second shot so I could have had that. Not that I have anything that I don't want anyone to see, but I just could use the time in my own space, with my own head, and doing my own thing. Probably anyone who lives here wouldn't even notice all the stuff I would do during that day, but I would, and I expect it would have felt glorious. Random corners and tasks would have been cleaned out and cleared up. Little things would have been fixed; little irritants would have been balmed. But as it stands right now, I will go to work tomorrow and be bored with little to nothing of interest to do, and keep growing the list of things I'd like the time and energy to do in the afternoon or over the weekend.
    I'm taking my weight tomorrow morning, and even though I was better this week than I have been lately, I'm concerned about my body and how it is reacting/will react to the new hormones I'm taking. I'm trying to flush my system and have been drinking a ton of water this week, but the jeans I wore today felt just a little bit too tight for my liking, and I'm quite concerned about tomorrow. I'm trying hard enough to get my number down, and I don't need these frickin' hormones screwing it up for me.
    Also, I've made the kind of plans for the weekend that will keep me from sleeping in properly, so while that is a drag, I'm looking forward to doing the cool, fun stuff.

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