I also watched the last hour of "Poms," starring Diane Keaton, where she and a group of women start a cheerleading club in their retirement community. Of course, in missing the first half of it, I was a bit lost as to the antagonist and why she's a bitch, but the basic crux of the movie I picked up. Anyway, it has a very "Golden Girls" vibe, which as you know, is a thing of mine. I love the idea of all those old ladies growing old and getting into trouble together, and eating lunch and having drinks, and doing random adventures. It's my dream to have that existence with my best friends as we age, and I'm here for any television show or movie that shows it to me as a goal. The movie even tugged at my kid's heart strings, so you know it was adorable, and it made me cry a couple times, too.
Also I tried to talk Sydney into watching "Coming to America" with me this afternoon, but was rebuffed. She said she's watch it with me tomorrow, but we'll just shave to wait and see about that.