Thursday, May 28

Like a little mushroom-cloud wart thing

So I've got this growth on my foot. It's settled on the ball of my foot, kinda nestled in between my pinky toe and the next piggy in, right on the cusp of going up in between the toes. It's been growing over the last couple months, and the pain involved in it has increased as it's grown. It feels like there's a pea or something inside my foot, and it BUGS.
I called the dermatologist's office last week and made myself an appointment for the vague "growth on my foot." I'll be seeing her a week from Monday. But in between that time, I have shown Mom my foot growth. And she, in her infinite wisdom, popped out with, "That's a plantar wart." She knew what it is, you guys. My mom is chockablock full of random medical information, and this was peak knowledge, for sure.
Go ahead and Google it. Images of plantar warts show that they can be nasty, huge, green, crusty, and ridiculously prolific. Thankfully, my plantar wart is more like the image there to the left, kinda cute and somewhat mushroom-y, but single and small. Having said that, I am feeling very much like I will be vigilant and proactive in being sure that no more of those little bastards show up.
Anyway, I called the dermatologist today to be sure that she would be willing to deal with this wart rather than refer me to a podiatrist, and indeed, she'll be able to help me out. I'm super intrigued to find out how this little monster will be disposed of, as it looks like treatments range from laser and freezing to herbal remedies (no thank you, internet hippies). I'm actually quite excited to have it gone, too, because it hurts.

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