Sunday, May 3

I can NOT stop yawning tonight!

ITEM!: I am beset by the most aggressive yawns tonight. It's like, it starts as a normal yawn, just the open mouth, normal yawn. But then, right when you would initially think, "yeah, good yawn," and start to be done and exhale, there's this secondary extra yawn, which requires a must bigger inhale, and a much wider yawn. The kind of yawn that makes you close your eyes so tight you see stars? Yeah, those have been my yawns for the last hour. They are getting ... tiring. Also tiring is the weird back pain I've got going on, which makes the large and extra yawns a little bit painful and wretched. I am looking forward to this yawn situation finishing itself out soon.
ITEM!: I guess I've admitted defeat somewhat, as I just took my first Claritin of the allergy season. I've been taking some decongestants, but they're not helping much. I found the Claritin in the bathroom cabinet yesterday, and woke up terribly congested this morning, so the Claritin has become my hope for a comfortable future.
ITEM!: Little to nothing of productivity got done today. I couldn't even get my a/c filter changed. I did have a six-foot visit with Leslie, which was awesome, and a Houseparty chat with my mom, which was wonderful, so the day did have some very bright spots. I won't even speculate on what I may get done tomorrow, so as not to be disappointed when nothing happens. Such is life in the stay-at-home, right?

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