Tuesday, May 5

Dude, just jump or stomp or something

I don't even want to tell you what took priority over the blog last night, but I will. It was "Resident Evil 2," and Brian was playing it, and I ended up watching him play for a few hours. He played a couple hours tonight. It's fun because I help solve the puzzles and give good advice on how to kill the zombies. Though I'll tell you that this particular game is a bit frustrating because the main character can't jump, or slam his foot into a zombie skull, or jump, or slam his foot into a zombie skull. Also, he doesn't, so far, have a decent sword or large knife, nor does he have a club or hammer. He really doesn't have anything that we've seen is most useful in "The Walking Dead." And yes, when the video game character can't do what you want it to do, it is very frustrating.

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