Tuesday, May 26

Fighting the good fight

Today was my first day back to work. I was all ready to be there, and double-checked my email this morning to be sure that we were required back to work (I won't be burned twice, you guys). I took off, stopped at AJs for my daily iced tea, and made it to work on time. Of course, as I drove into the parking lot, I found not an entire staff's worth of cars, but only two cars. Only two cars.
I thought, "What sort of fresh hell is this, and where is everyone?" I entered the office to find that only one person was inside. I'm like, "Really? This is so stupid." My one other coworker in the office came forward to let me know that, no, I didn't miss anything, but at the meeting on Thursday it was decided that no one was required to return today unless they wanted to, and they could continue working from home for the rest of this week. Next Monday is the official start to being back in the office.
Still, I stayed at work for a full day, and am eager to head back again tomorrow. It was nice to be back. In fact, a couple other coworkers showed up, and it's kinda silly how excited I was to see them. It's been like weeks since I was part of a team.

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