Monday, May 11

Lemon raspberry creme is the better of choices

I had a good Mother's Day yesterday! We went to the Phoenix Zoo and participated in its Cruise the Zoo event, wherein we got to drive through the zoo and see animals that chose to be out and about. The best part was that the weather was cloudy, and therefore cooler than it could have been, and we were able to enjoy the event with the windows open and not broiling from the heat.
Also, I got to Houseparty with my mom, who totally dug her present. I requested The Cheesecake Factory for lunch, and though my meal wasn't great, the cheesecake itself was super yummy. And then we Zoomed with Brian's family, and then the day was over. And all was well.
As for today, I didn't leave my house except to go out into the backyard and water my plants and pick up dog poop. I did do some yoga on my Apple TV, though, and I'm feeling pretty good about that.

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