Saturday, October 6

Target was super cool to me yesterday

I started a new book today, but it's not the book I wanted to start. I have a couple library books right now, and the one of them that I started today is not at all floating my boat. I'm 112 pages into it, and I don't think I'm a fan of the main character, nor do I particularly like the writing style of the author. I think I may try to soldier through a couple more chapters tonight, but I won't be shocked or surprised if I end up dropping this one back at the library in the morning on my way to the trail head.
I did actually buy a book yesterday though. Sydney and I ventured forth to Target, and while wandering through the store, we came across a few copies of the latest Anne Rice book, "Blood Communion," on the bookshelves. I had planned on bypassing the book for a couple months and giving the idea to Mom for Christmas, as I always have a list of books for her to get me for the holiday, but a sticker on the book's front caught my eye. It said,"Signed First Edition." And oh my god, if it wasn't a signed copy. An actual Anne Rice book signed by Anne Rice! That is pretty amazing. Granted, it's not the experience of standing in line at a bookstore for hours waiting to get a book signed, but it's still awesome, and something that I don't have. And I've got almost every Anne Rice book on my own bookshelf. And this one, this particular one, has her signature in it.
I'm such a huge fan of her writing, and her characters, and this is simply a very awesome thing for me. Anyway, that's the book I'd rather be reading, and I may just get to it tomorrow.

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