Wednesday, October 17

Like, who even cares, but I have thoughts

I have thoughts on the Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson thing, and I usually stay as far away from celebrity gossip as possible, but this guy, and the way he seemed to be riding her coattails and acting like she was the lucky one was irritating me. Also, did you read about how he thought it was okay and cool that she got felt up in front of a crowd at a funeral? And that it was no big deal, even flattering? [Editor's Note: I'll never wish anything more than for men to spend just a few days as women, and then they'll realize all the indignities and hardships and violations visited on us by them, and then maybe they would change their minds on what they deem problematic and bothersome.] So it was with inexplicable and surprising relief that I read about this particular couple breaking up. So many times, we as the public, may feel that someone is better than who they've chosen. And typically, I stay far away from the fray. But with this one, I thought, "Good. Kick him to the curb. You can do WAY better." I just got a creepy vibe from him, and I won't apologize for having an opinion on this one.
I have no other celebrity relationship thoughts to share with you.

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