Monday, October 29

Frosting is the best "-ing" in the world

It's an entirely different process in recovering from a late night that was not of your making or choosing. Sydney's friends didn't fall asleep until 2 a.m. on Sunday morning, and they weren't quiet about it. I didn't really expect them to be, as it was a sleepover, but it would have been nice to get a couple more hours of sleep than I got, just the same. Sydney had a great time though, which was the entire purpose for the night, and I consider it a wild success!
I didn't get a chance to nap at all yesterday either, so I fell into bed a bit earlier with eagerness for the upcoming sleepytime. And while I still woke up a couple times during the night, it was a good sleep, for sure. Tonight's will be good too, I hope, and I'll try to go to bed early again.
Here's a thing I did: Sydney's birthday cake was super pretty, but it was made with an extra interior layer of frosting inside it. So, the baker took the regular sheet cake, sliced it in half horizontally, applied a layer of frosting, and then put the other half back on, before frosting the entire thing. This is too much frosting. Which, if you know me, is an insane thing for me to say. I love frosting. But this extra layer just made the whole cake super, super, super sweet with frosting. We soldiered through Saturday night, but none of the girls ate much of it, and I couldn't stomach any more than the piece I had. So yesterday afternoon, I came upon a brilliant idea. Brian and I removed the top, scraped out the frosting in the middle, and replaced the top layer. It was way messier than that quick and easy explanation, and Brian and I both ended up with hands full of frosting, but the end result is a way better cake. I'll toss it out tomorrow because we have a ton more sugary treats in the house this close to Halloween, but at least now I can snack on it today with better results in my belly. I love frosting.

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