Sunday, May 2

It's gonna be May

Um, you can ask me where I've been, but honestly, I just forgot to blog the last several days. I thought about it last night, just as I was rolling over in bed, and then thought, "Wow. When's the last time I blogged? A few days, right?" I answered myself in the non-committal, and made a point to remember to post tonight.
    I had a productive weekend. A whole lot of errands and tasks finished, which is very exciting. But notably, today, I finished trimming back my neighbor's bougainvillea in the backyard, and tried to rake up the flowers as best I could. What's unfortunate and what was my nemesis was the brief bits of wind that would swirl around and move the damn flowers after I'd raked them into piles. At some point, I said screw it, and decided I was done and the job was good enough. So there's still some flowers, but that should be the last of them falling in my backyard. I also replanted the pineapple in a big pot. I hope it'll be happier than it seemed to be in that dark, wet corner of the garden.
   I just scrolled through the avatars I have on file to find the proper one for this month, and as I caught sight of the golfer, I had the thought, "That's me, stuck in a sand trap for a few months." And that imagining perfectly encapsulates my thoughts on heading into the summer in the desert.

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