Monday, May 3

A little stretch here, a little stretch there

I had an epiphany tonight, and while I'm embarrassed to tell you what it was, I still will. On my Apple TV, there's a yoga app, and on that app is a single beginners session that is a 15-minute flexibility class. I don't have much flexibility to speak of, and my balance is even worse, but if I can get through the class without falling over, I'm feeling pretty triumphant. The issue is, of course, that the Apple TV is downstairs. So if I don't do my class in the afternoon, I lose possession of the TV and I'm out of luck for the day.
    Tonight, I tried to recreate the class from memory on my bedroom floor. I did okay, not well, and I remembered most of the poses and stretches. But in the midst of a stretch, I thought, "I should record that class for when I'm upstairs at night." And yes, that was my epiphany. Because I don't even have to waste memory on the video recording. I can do an audio recording, not take up much space on my phone with it, and still be able to do my little yoga class every night. And now I'm excited to play my class and record it and have it available for me whenever I want it. And perhaps I'll record the balance and strength classes, too. The possibilities are pretty awesome.
    This idea, while not an EXPECTATION, seems to be working like one. I'm eager to get started on my new nighttime yoga experiment.

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