Monday, May 31

And that's the best kind of summer

And here it is, the last day of May. Mom and I had a great weekend, though we didn't really do a whole lot of stuff. There were a lot of relaxing afternoons for us, which always sounds good, but we don't really function well on Nothing to Do. But we got through it, and moved on from day to day, meal to meal. And that always is good, the eating thing. We did do a whole lot of eating.
    So tomorrow begins our official summer: Sydney is out of school, Memorial Day is in the rearview, and the air conditioner is on and the windows are shut and locked until October. I'm excited to say that my summer is going to be relatively busy; we have appointments and weekend plans here and there on the calendar. Really though, our summer is almost exactly two months; school starts again on August 4.
    We do have other things to take care of, though. It's my intention to get my family in a better frame of mind for the next year, and that comes with work on everyone's part. In addition to that, I've got a list of movies and shows for my kid to watch, and nooks and crannies in the house to clean out, and little projects to get done. So it will be a summer of Work to Do.

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