Tuesday, December 1

The beginning of the end of the year

You guys, it's December. Already. It's December.
Isn't it weird how this year has flown by but also taken so long to be over?
I'm really pretty pleased with where I'm at for this point in December. I've got a good portion of the big shopping done, uncharacteristically. I need to do the smaller stuff, and intend on getting to that this weekend, but really, I'm in good shape. This month's avatar reflects that, I think. I've got my Christmas shit together, and I'm feeling it.
Also, I finished watching the last three episodes of "The Right Stuff" on Disney+ tonight, and I'm hoping there will be another season of that. (I just Googled, and it looks like there will be, even though it didn't bring in the ratings that were hoped for.) Anyway, it's a good show and I recommend it. You know me; if it's about space, I'm in.
I returned my library book unread a couple weeks ago. I realized that I probably won't get to it during the holidays, and why hold on to it in case there's someone who does want to read it? So I turned it in, and I'm feeling unburdened by that. Come January and the new year, there will be an EXPECTATION regarding reading. I failed miserably at it this year, so next year can't help but be better.

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