Thursday, December 10

Making my list, which seems to be ongoing

I spent a lot of time on Christmas today. My afternoon was pretty well consumed with organizing what I've already got, ordering what I need, and realizing where the big gaping holes in my list are. My first act was to dig through all the bags and shopping that I'd already done, and organize it into piles for my people. Happily, I discovered that I was better along than I thought.
Still, there is work to be done.
No, I didn't get my cards addressed.

Cooper got his first allergy shot yesterday, and the results in his behavior and comfort have been pretty remarkable. He'd been licking his feet, scratching his ears, and itching his butt on the floor. After he got his shot, he hasn't done a single one of those things. Last night, we had our first full-night sleep without being awakened by his licking and scratching. And I've got to tell you, I feel like Cooper is feeling so much better. He just seems so relaxed and chill, and comfortable. I'm horrified with how long he's been irritated by the allergies before I made the decision to get him his shot.
This will not happen again. Allergy shots for everyone!

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