Thursday, December 3

Official Ritz cracker declaration

It's official now. No longer do I buy gimmicky Ritz cracker shapes.
When I saw the "snowflake" shapes, I said to Brian, "Will they be the same size of the regular Ritzes?"
My concern about their size was quickly assuaged. What I discovered though, as I continued to pack the crackers into my snack bag every day for work, was that the structural integrity of the snowflake Ritz crackers was the real problem. I pack six crackers a day, and repeatedly and annoyingly, the crackers are cracking into pieces. Note the crackers in the pic there to the left. That is an actual image from my actual crackers on Monday. Half of them are in pieces.
And before you're all, "How are you transporting them and where do they sit?" I'll tell you that they are treated the same as the original Ritz crackers, and those crackers never crack up. So normal Ritzes survive the ride to work, but the snowflake Ritzes do not. And I'll not buy them again.
Learn from my experience, friends.

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