Friday, November 6

Take your PSL, I want my peppermint mocha

It's red cup time at Starbucks, my friends, and I'm eager to get my peppermint mocha on. I didn't make it by to get one today because I actually feel like my first peppermint mocha of the season should be somewhat celebratory, of more than the holidays if you know what I mean. So it may be a day or two before I have reason to pick one up.
I acknowledge that peppermint mochas are available all year long. In fact, Brian typically brings me one for my birthday, Mother's Day, maybe our anniversary, this year for Sydney's birthday too, and at some point for Christmas or New Year's. But I only buy them for myself in red-cup season, when they taste the best.
So some day soon, I'll have reason to get my red cup. And it will be delicious!

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