Monday, November 2

Big day tomorrow, kids. Get some sleep.

Happy Election Eve, y'all! Tomorrow and the following days are going to be a trip, so let's try to remember to be kind and thoughtful to everyone around us. Except the yahoos walking around with guns trying to be tough and scary and intimidating. They can go crawl back under their rocks. No one needs to be nice to them.
All my Halloween decorations are put away, and I'll get the bins into the garage after Brian leaves for work tomorrow morning. I'm feeling very satisfied with my motivation and getting all that done, I have to say. I started out this morning expecting that I'd take a couple days to put it all away, but it seems I was a woman on a mission. My house looks all kinds of normal right now, and that's good, but it'll get Christmas-ified in a week or two.
But also, I think I'm ready to start squirreling away money for Christmas shopping. I've got one gift already, another was shipped today, and my list is growing. Not that I have any amazing ideas or anything, but it's coming along okay.
That's it for today, I think.

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