Thursday, November 12

So much to do, but the movie calls

UPDATE to the car commercials featuring bad dog parents post from earlier this month. Add BMW to the list of offenders. Currently, the car company's ad shows a young man finding a dog, reading its tag, and then driving his BMW seemingly miles away to bring this dog home. What the hell dog parents? And BMW? These commercials are beginning to give me nightmares.
ITEM!: Tomorrow is the last day I'll have Leslie back in my workplace. She's starting a new job next Monday, so is done hanging out with me for a few hours every day while we both work. I think this time may be worse that when she left the job last year. I've been spoiled by having her back in the office with me, and sitting close to me, too, so this new loneliness will be acute. Of course I'm happy for her getting out and finding something new, but to you all, I will whine and pout a bit.
ITEM!: The movie "Howard the Duck" is on one of my Showtime channels right now and I'm watching the end of it. That's all. That's just what I'm doing right now.
ITEM!: I did get all my downstairs Christmas decor out, and it was no small task for the day. Both the upstairs bins are upstairs, though I haven't cracked them yet. I have a decent-sized pile of randoms and stuff to put different places, and more futzing to do, for sure. It's nice having it out though; I'm feeling festive!

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