Saturday, November 7

She's too awesome, and I'm glad to have seen it

Today was a day of days. I literally sat and ate popcorn while I watched the election coverage on CNN. It was mostly everything I had wished it could be (c'mon, Arizona! Get the count done!), and the result was ideal. Pretty amazing the weight lifted among the hearts of the people, right? I was at breakfast when the news was announced, and for reals, there were people cheering and whooping outside the restaurant in Scottsdale, Arizona. In Scottsdale, you guys! People were cheering and whooping! It was pretty awesome!
I didn't get my peppermint mocha, either. But that's okay. That celebration will come tomorrow.

But let's talk about Kamala. The first woman vice president just gave her victory address, and it was perfect. First and foremost, she came out wearing white. The white of the suffragettes, and a reminder of the history that she herself had just made. It was perfect. She paid homage to the women who came before her; her mother; the marginalized women of color; the marginalized women of the suffragette movement; and the marginalized women of today's continuing patriarchy and its relentless, soul-crushing weight on our shoulders. And it was perfect.
She remarked on Biden's "audacity" in calling on her to run with him on this ticket. She remarked on the voters and supporters that continue to need representation in the White House, and support in their communities. She reminded us of her promise and determination to help this country heal, but also that she will keep her eye on the prize in regards to climate change, COVID and health care. And it was perfect.
I watched her speech with my daughter by my side, and it was perfect.

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