Saturday, November 14

All kinds of Christmas going on over here

Sydney and I did some preliminary Christmas reconnaissance this afternoon, and while we did do just a little bit of actual shopping, it was mostly an exercise in getting ideas Mainly though, our conclusion was that we prefer not shopping on the weekend, and will head back after school one day soon. With the social distancing, most of the stores had occupation limits and therefore lines to get in, and we just didn't want to take the time to do that. Still, I managed to get some good ideas.
So I tried the Carmel Brulle Latte at Starbucks. It was ... not great? A little too sweet? I should know better; I don't generally like the caramel drinks. I'm most definitely a chocolate drink person, so the next taste test will be the Toasted White Chocolate Mocha. I've had a white chocolate mocha before and it was tasty, so I'm looking forward to this one.
Tonight, I finished the main Christmas decor in the house. I've got a pile of extra stuff to find places for, or not, and I should be able to get all the bins into the garage Monday morning. Then I'll head to AJ's and see if the store has anything that I must have. :). I love AJ's for Christmas stuff.
Once I'm done here though, I'm going to make my Master List for Christmas. Currently, it's a growing note in the phone, which is very frustrating to me because the note won't allow me to cross stuff off while still being able to see it. Or make notes within the note. Or all that good stuff that one can do with a written list on paper.
Also, I have a most excellent idea for the Christmas cards.

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