Wednesday, November 11

Don't tell me what to do, but okay

You guys, I ended up taking a short nap this afternoon instead of watching my ESPN shows. The shows were on, but I slept through them. I remind you that I do not enjoy taking unplanned naps in the afternoons. So because of that, it took more time than normal for me to close my Move Goal for the day. Because I got up later because of Sydney's day off, it also took longer to close my Stand Goal. But both rings did get closed today.
I feel like I have to tell you now how much of a taskmaster my watch has become. I've worn it all day, every day since June, with only one day since then that I missed my Move Goal. It's a record I'm super pleased with, and I strive to meet those two Goals every day. So when the watch says, "Stand," I stand up and walk around for a few minutes. When the watch says that my movement ring is usually farther along by that time of day, I get up and take a lap around the office or the house. (Duly noted that I ignore the "Exercise" Goal entirely, and I will not have a conversation about that.)
But the watch is king, and I've been feeling the benefits of that. I believe it's helped me emotionally and physically, and psychologically, too. The activity I'm sure to put in every day, and the breaks in my sitting time, have helped my peace of mind, and that makes the bossiness of the watch tolerable.

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