Thursday, November 1

She really just sat there the whole time

I got to benignly torture a woman in the bathroom today.
I went in to the lobby bathroom to change into my hiking shorts and shoes, and was dismayed to discover that someone had taken the larger stall for themselves, though all indications showed that she didn't need it. So I was stuck having to change my clothes and shoes in the small stall. Well, I got about halfway undressed when I realized that there was no sound coming from the stall next to mine. And as I finished undressing and putting on my workout top, it was still quiet and still over there. My snap assumption was that she is one of those women who won't poop or fart in the stall while someone else is in the bathroom. So, I started taking my time. And really paying attention. And it occurred to me that she really wasn't making noise, and really was waiting for me to leave. So then I really slowed down. I don't think it's ever taken me so long to put on socks and shoes, or to pack up my normal clothes back into my bag. And then I had to wash my hands of course, and be sure that they were totally dry before I could toss out the paper towels. And then I finally left.
And I giggled about the woman who was too afraid or embarrassed to potty with someone else in the bathroom and how she just sat there until I left. Was that bad?

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