Friday, November 9

I see candy crushing in my sleep

Oops, I did it again.
I played with the phone.
Got lost in the game.

And because of that, I deleted Candy Crush tonight.
I started playing about 4 p.m. this afternoon, when Sydney took over the television to play her Spider-Man game on the PlayStation. I had a book, but thought, nope, I'll just play Candy Crush for a little while. Six hours later, with just a couple small breaks for food and drink, I put the phone down, disgusted with myself.
"Hello. My name is Kimberly. And I'm a Candy Crush addict."
But I've quit cold turkey before, and I'm doing it again. I deleted the app from my phone directly after stopping, and put the phone down.
I'm done. No more Candy Crush.

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