Monday, January 9

It's all about the Star Trek, or is it

I set us up with another streaming subscription yesterday. These streamers are driving me crazy because really, I want everyone's everything on one platform. You know, like how cable television used to be. But no, I need to have a subscription to Disney+, HBO Max, Amazon Prime, Peacock and Hulu. What's missing? The service I subscribed to yesterday: Paramount+.
    Let's say that I fell victim to advertising and football. The CBS channels and their games advertise for Paramount+. I'd already been missing "Inside the NFL," which moved to Paramount+ last year or the year before. And while I don't care for many of the shows there (unpopular opinion: I have no interest in "Yellowstone"), but just the one or two that intrigued me, and that "Top Gun: Maverick" is streaming there, was enough to get me on board. I hate that I did it, though. I feel like I should be just a bit discerning? I can't subscribe to everything, but it looks like I may end up trying to.
    We always think, "What's another $9.99 per month? I won't even notice when it's taken..." But damn it, I think maybe I'm spending more than $50 a month on streamers. That's a lot, and a hit to the entertainment budget. I probably won't cancel it, but I might... after a fashion.

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