Sunday, October 25

Get Shit Done 2021

So what's up today?
* I've voted; happily and excitedly.
* My football team is a hot mess, and I'd rather watch any other games but mine, so the money I'm spending on NFL Sunday Ticket is officially being wasted every month.
* Sydney is officially in school, which has been a bit of a blessing for the general environment in my house. She's getting out and being a student, and more importantly, she's more engaged, so everything seems to be better now. Lack of boredom equals better kid attitude.
* Cooper and Elliot are well, and not finding all the scorpions in the house. That responsibility has fallen to me, and Brian now regularly patrols the backyard and kills all the glowing little dudes he sees.
* Brian's busy; I'm busy.
* My dear friend, Leslie, has come back to work in my office on her terms and temporarily, and it makes me so happy to know that I'll be seeing her every day for as long as that lasts.
* Everyone else in my circle is good, and all else is moving along.
* It's impossible to reconcile that October is almost over, and even worse that the year is so close to being over. I had dubbed this year "Get Shit Done 2020," in January, but I have the impression that my mantra may have to slide into 2021.

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