Wednesday, August 22

The living room changes continue apace

Doing things to the living room will be a recurring theme of the blog here until the living room is done having things done to it. Consider this a warning, I guess ...
Last night, Brian asked where the end table was going to go, and expressed a wish to have it next to the sofa, so we could have a place to put the phones while they're charging. Putting the end table there is of course not going to work because it's too big. But putting a smaller table kind of thing there intrigued me. And then I remembered that there is a small table in the larger nesting table.
I took out the smaller table and placed it in front of the lamp in the living room. The color of the lamp base and the table match perfectly, and the lamp bottom actually fits between the legs of the table, so the two things actually kind of ... go together? They don't look too bad. I'll have to send a picture of them to my on-staff interior designer, but I think it's a surprisingly palatable solution. At Target this afternoon, I picked up a small basket in which I placed the large charging brick, so now it won't drop and fall on the floor. I think it'll work out okay for all involved, to tell you the truth.
Tomorrow, my new coffee table and end table arrive, and I'm super excited. I actually might have to save them for next week though, since I may not have the time to put them together tomorrow night. And we'll be out of town this weekend.
Anyway, I did another thing in the living room today.

[Editor's Note: This photo is not of my living room, and that's a damn shame because that chair is amazing on so many levels.]

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