Tuesday, August 28

A random reflection on PSLs

The season of pumpkin spice has begun, IN AUGUST, thanks to Starbucks. The coffee chain started serving their pumpkin spice lattes today, and the news has been splashed all over my Facebook and Instagram feed. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I know so many people that were ecstatic with the news that their favorite drink would be available for longer this year.
Like I said this morning about this, though, is that it's still well into the warmer temperatures here in Arizona, and I couldn't imagine drinking a hot drink. And I envy anyone who has the weather to accommodate such a thing at this point.
For me, the season is still very, very summer, and I am drinking cold drinks day and night. I may be able to open my windows at night in about four weeks or so. As of now, I am living the life of the air conditioner dependent.
I'm not a fan of the pumpkin spice latte, though, and will withhold my excitement for when peppermint mochas come around.

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