Monday, August 20

Back on a laptop, for better not worse

I'm trying something new tonight.
Sydney got a new laptop from her grandparents, not for school, but for play, and I have decided to turn it into my blogging computer, as well. Now, it's just a matter of getting myself used to grabbing the laptop when I head upstairs, and getting my blogging on. Tonight is the first of those nights, and we'll see if this can become a habit again.
I don't have much to share with you this evening, sadly, but to hope that this will open up my brain a bit more again, as well as exercise my fingers a bit more than they have been lately, and see if that will help with my hand cramping.
Oh, wait! I did so something random this evening! I was super bored, and downloaded a yoga app to my Apple TV downstairs. Sydney and I did two 15-minute sessions of yoga together, and it was pretty awesome. We did a flexibility session, and a lower-back morning stretch session. I won't lie, my legs were kinda wobbly when we finished the second session, but in a super good way.
I'm actually pretty excited to do the session again tomorrow, just to see how much better I'll do after just a day.
The sessions cover all kinds of concentrations, and go from beginner to intermediate to expert. Not that I'll be an expert any time soon, but the beginner class worked pretty well for me today. Could it be? Yoga to the rescue? I'm so bored lately, you guys, that this may just be a really good thing for me.

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