Wednesday, August 8

A big ol' cut on the finger

Is is sacrilege to be totally ready for the Closing Ceremonies? Remember when I mentioned that we are getting Olympics fatigue? Well, it continues. But we're still staying up to watch it, and enjoying it besides, so I can't complain at all.
I cut my finger today. While cruising along the beach to day with the kids, we came across a piece of concrete that was not a shell. It was stealthily handed to me, and I thought that it would be cool to try to "skip" it out into the water. Who knew that it would have a super sharp edge that would slice right into the meat of my finger pad as I flung it into the water. Did you know that such a thing would make a finger bleed instantly? Or that when bleeding on the beach, the only place to wash off the finger is in the SALT water? It honestly hurts a lot. I can feel it aching, pumping with a bit of pain every time my pulse beats. And it's in one of those places that will get split open every time I do anything, making it possibly one of the slowest-healing wounds ever.
So, here I sit, with a Dora the Explorer bandage wrapped around the index finger of my right hand ... totally a finger I use all the time ... like, when typing. Weird. I'm not used to this.

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