Saturday, December 3

Did dinosaurs throw snowballs?

Sydney and I made our way down to the Houston Museum of Natural Science today. I drove down there all by myself, with nothing more than directions on a paper, and my (not) stellar internal compass. Still, I got a bit turned around, and it took us about 10 minutes longer to arrive at the museum than it should have, but it could have been a lot worse. We did manage to get a free parking space in front, which I consider a bit of a coup. Of course, as we arrived, we discovered that today was the only day during the holiday season when the museum was hosting SNOW on its grounds. Hence, the incredible crowds of adults and children wandering the place.
The museum, sadly, has "only" five dinosaur skeletons, which was a bit disappointing to my budding paleontologist, who, I'm sure, expected a display similar to the new one in Los Angeles. Still, we wandered the exhibit, checked out the other floors of the museum, and even went into the butterfly pavilion (which is fun, because whenever a butterfly would get near Sydney, she'd squeal and swing her arms around). The snow, though, was her highlight of the visit, and she was happy to wait her turn ... and was unhappy to end her turn. She was additionally made unhappy when she learned that the snow was only there for the day, and that we couldn't come back another day to play again. I hate disappointing her like that! She had so much fun!
I also tried to get a holiday card picture out of today's unexpected photo opportunity, but walked away unhappy with the results.
Also, tonight, Buddy is sitting on the towel tower in Sydney's bathroom. She asked him this afternoon to hide someplace easier tonight, but I didn't let that influence the hiding spot. I had it chosen earlier today. I'm enjoying the hiding of Buddy.

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