Tuesday, September 14

"Titans" is a good show; we're liking it

Tonight's agenda includes watching a few more episodes of the show, "DC's Titans." It's a grown-up version of the 'Teen Titans" cartoon, and is a live-action, adult situations show. The third season has just started streaming on HBO Max, and the advertisements intrigued Brian and I enough so that we started watching it from the beginning last week. We're several episodes into the first season, and very much enjoying it. It's unfortunate that a new show comes along just as football season begins, because now there's no time for television on Monday, Thursday or Sunday. But we'll soldier through, as we do. I've got the show queued up for once Brian gets home.
    I've got the movie "The Mummy Returns" on my television right now, and Brendan Fraser is making me quite happy. He's awesome. I'm very pleased with the Fraser renaissance happening in film lately, and am very into supporting it. There is so far one movie, "No Sudden Move," that he stars in that I have access to. Sadly, I haven't watched it yet. JJ didn't really like it very much, and I kinda want to watch it with Brian, but I don't have the energy to argue for it, I suppose. I guess I'm waiting for it to land on one of my movie channels. Okay, so I decided to go hunting for it, and have found it on HBO Max. I just started it. I guess I'll have an opinion in bit.

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