Wednesday, April 25

Hashtag-apalooza up in here, you guys

So Sydney's school is going to be closed tomorrow for the teacher walkouts in Arizona. I'm all for the walkouts; I think they'll be a real engine for change. There's a boatload of camps that are making themselves available over the next several days for kids and parents with nothing to do during the closure. I only work four hours a day, so I don't need any all-day options for my kiddo. Duly noted that I've already paid for summer camp as well, and I don't really want to fork out more money for days in camp just yet. So tomorrow will be an interesting and good day, what with the sleeping in without having to take her to school before going to work, and the Avengers movie, of course, tomorrow night. Fight for the right to better educate our students, you awesome teachers! #REDFORED
In other news, I have discovered the quiet peace of using the "Snooze for 30 Days" option on Facebook. So far, I have snoozed four people. And I have to tell you, because of that, my timeline has been GLORIOUS. Two people just bug me with their posts, one is a serial flooder of feeds, and one just had too much going on that one day. And since I snoozed them, it's all good all the time, with minimal eye rolling or blood boiling. I like it, Facebook. I'm not looking forward to that day when those people pop back in. Does FB alert you when a Snooze is ending? I guess I'll find out! #SNOOZEFORSANITY
I think I've figured out my loft situation with the chairs, and I think I'm okay with it in all ways. Target is my saving grace this time, though I'll need to figure out how to fit that one chair in my car, and need to order that other chair online. Then, to call Goodwill or someone to come pick up the cozy chair, which is breaking my heart to write. My god. I just love that chair. Why is my heart breaking to think about losing it? #CHAIRSAREFAMILY
The lemon Oreos I picked up at the grocery store the other day taste a little bit weird, and not as lemony as they should be. I had two with my sandwich for lunch today, and I just ate another one before drinking my hot tea, and the aftertaste is bugging. They're not right. For the sake of my Weight Watchers, I will toss them out tomorrow. #COOKIESTARTSWITHC

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