Wednesday, March 21

When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way

I wrote a thing yesterday, but I don't like how it came out, so I'm starting with something else today.
Also, now I'm super annoyed at my puppy, who just vacuumed up the dusties under my desk with her mouth. So gross. Oliver used to do that when his stomach was upset and he wanted to throw up. Looking forward to seeing if that's Elliot's motivation, too, and to cleaning it up if, in fact, that is the case.
Sydney and I watched some West Side Story tonight. We landed on it about 10 minutes into it, which is fine because those opening credits are ridiculously long. While watching, I had to explain the concept of street gangs, and then the concept of street gangs that danced and sang instead of actually fighting. She didn't seem too impressed that I could sing the Jets song, but when it was time to go upstairs and go to bed, she did set the DVR to record, so she could finish it later. I'm excited to add this one to the Summer Movie List, which is rapidly growing beyond what I had anticipated.
I'm thinking maybe a movie every afternoon, after my work on the weeks she's not in camp, and after camp on the days that she is busy. We have about three different Summer Movie Lists in three different places, and I need to consolidate them.
I think I was about Sydney's age when my mom made me sit and watch West Side Story for my first time with he, and she cried at the end. I've still never cried at the end, after several viewings, but I anticipate that my emotionally sensitive daughter will cry. So I guess I've got that to look forward to.

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