Wednesday, April 4

Un-angelic food cake

This is not a picture of the angel food cake that I made today. Instead of this precise and yummy-looking example, my cake is a sunken, flat, chocolate-covered mess.
I made some tactical errors when creating my cake, I'll admit. I didn't use the bundt pan, simply because I didn't feel like it, and because I had no idea how to frost a cake out of it. Of course, that meant using a regular baking pan (usually reserved for brownies), which, inexplicably, couldn't hold all the angel food cake, and the cake burst a bit over the sides. With the bursting over the sides, once it was out of the oven and cooled, the middle caved in a little. And with my refusal to eat a cake without frosting, I used up a thing of frosting on it.
At the end of the creating though, the whole thing just looks nasty. Brian ate a piece, after scraping all the frosting off. I don't think I'll have any. It looks gross. And it probably is gross, because any cake with a raw batter that tastes that bad just seems evil.

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