Sunday, April 15

One more than what we figured

Sydney attended her first ASU baseball game today. Actually, she attended four innings. I got to slather her in sunscreen, we put her in her new straw hat with the big brim and pink ribbons (too cute!), and away we went. Happily, when we left at the end of the fourth inning, the Sun Devils were kicking Washington State ass. I did see a girl there wearing the cutest ASU flip flops though. I must find where she got them and purchase my own pair.

Also, because we helped out those ladies with their tampons, Auntie Donna e-mailed me a link to help get food to abused and neglected animals. The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. Go to this site and click on the purple box "Fund food for animals." This doesn't cost a thing. The site's corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Click it, and give some animals food! One more time:

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