Monday, April 2

I did not look at all glamorous

So, lately I've been getting older, and I feel like that is most noticeable in the hollows and dark shadows under my eyes. It's quite obvious to me that I'm not happy with pictures of myself unless I'm wearing sunglasses, and because of that, I'm always wearing sunglasses in pictures (outside and during the day, of course. I'm not that person). It's become super bothersome over the last year or so, though, and I'll admit in the comfort of my own blog, that I've even considered getting them fixed professionally. But until there is the surplus income for that, I'll stick with sunglasses.
Having said that, I discovered something at Target the other day: Burt's Bees Rejuvenating Eye Masks. I bought two sets, and this afternoon, post-shower, I tried one. First of all, they smell and feel like they are full up of the rejuvenating oil that I've been buying from Burt's Bees for years and years. I know that it's super good for my eyes and the delicate skin, but the oil is so oily, that I can't always handle it around and in my eyes. Also, I just forget so much it's crazy. So I've not been consistent with that skin treatment, to say the least.
With the eye masks on, I could feel the oil seeping into my skin, and they actually felt like they were tightening, if that makes any sense. I kept the masks on for five minutes, per the instructions, and then gently massaged in the excess oil.
I think, maybe that my eyes looked a bit fuller, and less dark. How long would that last? Excellent question, for sure. I checked a couple hours later and they already looked darker and sunken again, but perhaps that's my imagination. We'll see tomorrow morning, I guess.
Would it be better to do the mask right before bed? But then I'd have oil all over my pillowcase, and that's no good. So I'll stick with an afternoon application, if this really works. My dark-circled, baggy eyes are bugging me. Logic states that I could probably just invest in some new tubes of concealer, and that might help a bit.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Now I'm going through your photos playing spot the sunglasses...