Friday, April 6

Goodbye program; hello paper, pencil and calculator!

We spent a good portion of our afternoon and early evening doing taxes last night, and I'm in a much better place than I thought I would be. And the crux of my better feeling? The absolute and decisive break with TurboTax. It's official. The damn program just doesn't work well for us.
Especially in the state tax area. It doesn't give an option to take a standard deduction instead of an itemized one for the state, which, when we did our state taxes by hand last night, came to a significant difference. A difference that also was significant last year, but because of my perceived faith in TurboTax, I ignored, and it cost us a couple hundred dollars more we could have gotten back from the state.
So, here we sit, done with our taxes, and no longer dependent on TurboTax.
"I say, fu*k you, Jobu, I do it myself."

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