Monday, April 9

There's never a crystal ball

I handled my visit to the psychic poorly today. Instead of getting my palm read or my tarot cards read, I decided to go for a "psychic reading," something that I'd never had done before. Bad idea. For a psychic reading, she basically just kinda sits back, studies my aura or whatever, and tells me what "it" and "they" are telling her. There was little to nothing to it, actually. No big insights, no amazing feats of psychic power, and sadly, no news on becoming a millionaire or anything. she told me to not share anything about the reading, but if not to blog about it, why bother paying for it? I have a positive energy, and any negative energy is behind me; someone will approach me within the next year about a project, and from that, I will start my own business that allows me to work and be with Sydney; Brian and I will be happy for quite some time; and I'll be going on a journey, sometime in the 10s (10 days, 10 weeks or 10 months from now), and during that journey, will bond with someone I know.
Of course, this is all good stuff. She didn't go anywhere bad with me, which is a positive thing. But at the end of it all, I wish that I had something more (pardon the seeming contradiction here) concrete for her to make her predictions on. The tarot cards would have done that, as would have the palm reading. Next time, in a few months, I'll get the tarot card reading, and will take the time to come up with some specific questions for her.

1 comment:

-T. said...

You own the trademarks and copywrites to your own reading don't you? You DID negotiate that into the pre-reading contract, didn't you?! Next year, go see my girl at the Renaissance Festival, she is totally worth the (over)price(d) cost of admission+the price of the reading, because you get the "reading release" of the copywrites up front without having to negotiate for it!