Sunday, January 4

Oh my goodness, how we love movies

We watched The Interview today, in a move that we decided was to be our patriotic duty. The fact that watching a movie has become a sign of being a good American is kinda weird, but I'm on board. The fact that the movie was entertaining was a boon.
Truth be told, I get bugged by Seth Rogen, and I find James Franco a bit bizarre. But today, quite by accident, I was entertained by both, and enjoyed the movie almost in spite of it.
Tonight, after the kid went to bed, we watched The Equalizer, starring Denzel Washington. It had a very Man on Fire vibe to it, which is fine because that movie is awesome, but it ran a bit predictable. I had to kinda cover my eyes a couple times as well, because cripes, there was a lot of violence. The movie itself surprised me with its 2.5 hour length though, and I caught myself checking the clock several times throughout the film. But, on the whole, I give it a positive review.
And now, here we are, having watched both of today's movies on iTunes, while leaving our one Netflix movie languishing on the TV stand unwatched. I'm beginning to think that we may go all online streaming, and cancel the DVD service entirely. A waste of resources is a waste of resources, and I find that I am not tolerating those much anymore.

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