Saturday, February 22

Ugh, Arizona; you're pissing me off

I want a list of the companies in Arizona that are so afraid to cater to the LGBT community that they would sponsor a bill allowing them to discriminate against them based on a fictional "religious belief." I want that list because I want to be sure that I don't go there, too. These companies probably think that they may lose out on the LGBT money in their business, but what they probably won't count on, is the loss of money from so many others who just think this legislation is stupid. I want to know who would discriminate against the LGBT community, and I will happily discriminate against them. This is not a bill based on religious beliefs. It's a law shrouded in fear, ignorance and hate, forced through a legislature by conservative church money, and supported by people who, ridiculously, probably think they can change the world.
The uproar throughout the country in regards to this bill in Arizona is a valid one. I want people and companies from other states calling companies and services here and telling them that if this legislation passes, they'll not be coming here, as well as encouraging their friends and family to not visit or spend money in Arizona. I love that this has people in Arizona acting against the legislature here. I love that it's united people against hate and discrimination.
Well, I've got news for you, you people who want this, you morons. Homosexuality and transgender people are here to stay. And wherever they stay, or eat, or buy their wedding cakes, or vacation, or see movies, is somewhere I want to be. There should never, ever be laws based in discrimination. And certainly not in the United States, where being free is a right.
I'm filling out my voter registration tomorrow, and having Brian do his. Because if this goes through, I want to be a part of throwing every one of these "representatives" and "legislators" out of office in the next election.

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