Monday, March 25

They could be a supreme influence

The Supreme Court is hearing arguments about same-sex marriage this week, and I'm perhaps foolishly optimistic that they may decide on the side of common sense and equality. I heard this morning that the Supreme Court is historically slow moving, and that it tends to roll behind social movements, rather than lead them. Nine states already allow same-sex marriage, and much to my shame, California is not one of them. Do we think that the Supreme Court may decide in favor of discrimination, just because the entirety of the 50 states does not agree on it already? I can't imagine that equality, and civil rights, can be put on hold until all the states agree.
I'm tired of this argument. People should be able to marry whomever they choose, and those couples should have all the rights of any other married couple. I hate that people who fear a different lifestyle have the ability to restrict other people's lives. I can't stand how, once again, religion has its dirty little fingers in someone else's life, and that so many busybodies are butting into a situation that is none of their business. I don't understand how a country based on, and so proud of, its diversity, can continue to treat a segment of the population as if they were less than the rest of its citizens.
I'm hoping that the Supreme Court will act ... supremely ... and set a precedent for the rest of the country.

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