Friday, March 8

Movies, the great and wonderful

Two new movies today!
We saw Oz the Great and Powerful this morning. It was ... okay. I really, really, really wanted to have my mind blown by it, but it just didn't do it for me. The beginning was so slow to develop that my husband snored and my mother got antsy. The Oz portions in color jumped from development to development kinda roughly. But I enjoy the idea of three awesome witches being awesome, so the movie was a positive for me.
Tonight, we watched The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I knew that it wasn't going to be a comedy, though there was plenty of comedy in it, but it got very deep and heavy at the end. Not that I'm disappointed by that, because I very much enjoyed the movie, but I wasn't prepared for it, either.
Sadly, Brian refused -- refused -- my offer to watch The Sound of Music. He's never seen the movie, you see, and therefore totally did not get that comedy bit on the Oscars regarding Christopher Plummer not coming into the theater through the side door. I was on a mission, and finally remembered that I must (and do) have the movie on DVD. But still, a refusal to broaden his horizons, to expand his mind, or to appreciate the beauty of play clothes made from drapes, and the oddity of the name "Gayorg." Or really, how anyone can possibly build a singing movie about Nazis.

1 comment:

Pamela said...

aThe Sound of Music is a must-view and a family fave here for years. Nothing like a toddler asking about those particular "bad guys".