Wednesday, June 13

Secrets kept no longer

I have a traitor in my midst. She used to be my quietest and most trusted ally. Now, she's a tattletale. Or a potential tattletale anyway.
Sydney and I ventured to the mall this morning to pick up Brian's Father's Day gift. It's nothing special, just something he needs. We made our purchase.
Sydney says to me, "Can I tell Daddy about his present?"
"No, baby, it's a surprise."
"So, I can't tell him?"
"Nope. If you tell him, it won't be a surprise."
"I'm not very good with secrets," she said. This, of course, made my heart sing because it means that she doesn't keep stuff from me, but it also means that she has become incapable of being my partner in crime.
"It's not really a secret. It's a surprise." Will this work?
"It's not good to keep a secret from Daddy." The child, obviously, has a lot to learn about boys and girls.
"Well, if you simply must tell Daddy, go ahead. I don't want you to lie to him. But if he doesn't ask you anything about our day, then you won't be keeping a secret from him, right?" Yes? Will this kind of wifely logic work with her?
"Okay. I'll try to keep it a surprise."
Brian, thankfully, rolled with my pantomimed request to not ask about our day, and now knows, without even being told, that we did some Father's Day stuff. Sydney is bursting with a need to tell him about his present. And I'm mourning the loss of doing anything with my kid and not having Brian find out about it that night. My partner/ally/compatriot is no longer to be trusted to keep her mouth shut. *sigh*

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