Monday, January 5

I'm in need of stronger glasses, damn it

ITEM!: Since I have such a busy day tomorrow, I decided that Christmas had to go today. And of course, with any bit of urgency comes my tendency towards getting distracted. So, in the same amount of time as I decorated the entire house in early December, I managed to only put away the upstairs today. I watched movies to stall. One in particular was interesting, called De-Lovely, with Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd. It's a biography (not documentary) about Cole Porter, the composer, and his life with his wife, Linda. It was good enough to capture my attention early on, and continued to keep me distracted throughout. But as I write this, most everything Christmas is put away, with the exception of the towels in the dryer. I just have to put the bins away in the garage.
ITEM!: I managed to give myself some acid reflux tonight because I ate two tamales. Such a tasty dinner, but really, my body could have been fine with one. Instead, my stomach was all, "Hey! There's still a wee bit of room in here! You should SHOVEL another tamale in here and take up all this space and then upset your stomach!" So, I did. With sour cream. Ugh.
ITEM!: Sydney and I have appointments tomorrow. Me: eye exam, after two years, which is bad. Her: dentist, after six months, which is exactly how it should be. For the first time, we'll be charged for her dental visit. Apparently, after eight years, they stop extending a professional courtesy, and now expect us to pay for her visits. No biggie, really, because so much time has gone by, but still, I'm like, "No. Continue this service for free, please."

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