Monday, February 10

I don't like math, but my baby does

My daughter told me this morning that she's bored with the math lessons she's getting at school. Even though I don't understand this frame of mind, I am so proud of her. She's a rock star at math!
I picked up a workbook for her this morning, in the hopes that giving her some extra work in math may make her happy. However, with that comes the issue of it being me giving her extra homework. She doesn't take too kindly to those kinds of things.
I'm at a bit of a loss, to tell you the truth. It's super important to keep her challenged. They'll do testing for advanced placement classes in March or April, so I've been told, and I'm intrigued to see how she does with that. I need her to not be bored.
I heard a story this morning about a mom who called her child's teacher for tutoring -- for her -- so she could help her kid with their homework. As of now, Sydney's working on three-column addition, subtraction, and a sprinkling of multiplication. How much longer until we get to long division? We may need Brian for homework help once she gets there. I'm not good at that. Who knew, when I was told I would need to know all that math later in life, it would be so I could keep up with my kid?

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