Friday, February 21

I defeat you! I defeat you!

If I ignore the rest of the cold, it will go away entirely. I'm done catering to it. Tomorrow, I'm back to my hike, with my kid. My only concession will be the DayQuil in the morning, if I need it. And maybe I'll blow my nose, too. (It occurred to me this morning that Cooper hasn't had a single day in his new house that has not started with the sound of his new mommy blowing her nose and complaining about "this damn, f*ckin' cold.") Anyway, I'm over it, as of tonight. In a matter of hours, I will wake up feeling "just fine."
Also, I'm refusing to put away my jeans and shirt from today because I left them on my bed and now my Oliver is sleeping on them and he's too sweet and cute to move.
It's late. I should get to bed if I'm going to defeat the last of this cold in my sleep. A busy rest ahead of me!

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